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Ilzer Land erhält Staatspreis! Festakt in der Münchner Residenz mit Übergabe durch Staatsminister Helmut Brunner

PNP-Bericht, 19.11.2012

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Fördermöglichkeiten für Bauherren & Immo-Eigentümer...

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Staatsminister Brunner lobt Ilzer Land

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Donau-Bayerwald-Radweg eröffnet

Link zum Bericht der Passauer Neuen Presse vom 19.07.2011

Bundesweiter Erfolg für ILE Ilzer Land

im Wettbewerb "Engagement für die Region" (-> Aktuelles)

1. gemeinsame Ratssitzung der Gemeindeallianz

PNP-Presseartikel zur Veranstaltung am 20.04.2010 in Röhrnbach

Wirtschaftsgipfel Bayerwald

24.10.09 im KUK in Schönberg
10:00-13:00 Uhr mit
Staatsminister Helmut Brunner
und Staatsminister Martin Zeil

Download Programm:
- Bayerwaldgipfel

Winter Wonderland

A thick white blanket of snow covers the hills and valleys. It is quiet and peaceful and in the forests. The lakes are frozen. The animal tracks are puzzling. Here and there you will discover wild game lured from its hiding place in search of feed. Packed warmly, you can take a walk in the cold, clear winter air or enjoy a horse-drawn sleigh ride……a great time relax and let your soul dangle and to enjoy the “staade Zeit”, a quiet time, a time of contemplation.

Whether quiet and tranquil or fast and sporty, whether Bavarian curling, sledding, snowshoe-hiking or tobogganing; the vacation resorts in the Ilz Valley and the “Dreiburgenland” (Three Castle Country) will fulfill all your winter dreams.

Cross-country ski-tracks lead winter athletes and snow-fans through the fantastic countryside. An untouched winter landscape, loose powder snow, silence and solitude await the snowshoe hikers on their tours. This, in particular, is also an ideal way for non-skiers and individualist to enjoy nature during the winter period. Snowshoes can be borrowed. Away from the mass tourism of the Alps, adult and children skiers will find numerous opportunities to improve their technique alone or in ski courses on our ski slopes equipped with lifts and floodlights. And, there will always be time to stop at an alpine hut for a Bavarian “Brotzeit” (snack), before you, of course, go sleighing downhill. Enjoy great fun for the entire family!